My name is Tamara Herskovic.

I became a Soul Contact Hypnotist, Reiki Master, and Yoga teacher to help people like you make the next step in having more clarity, more compassion and recognizing the vast oneness.

I believe the feelings of being stuck, anxious, depressed and self-sabotaging behaviors are invitations to go deeper and heal.

To honor the light that shines in each of us we have to acknowledge the shadows so that we know where to heal and remember the oneness.

That is what healing means to me. A remembrance of our oneness with each other, the universe and love.

I know that connecting to yourself and your unique essence and lives is what will help you feel better right here, right now.

Just thinking about the healing aspects of what I do makes my eyes well up because the experience and witnessing it is so important, and beautiful.  

If you've landed here, my guess is— it's because you've had a glimpse (or more!) into the spiritual world, and you want more.

You want to stop having anxiety attacks.

You want to know your right next step in life, and to be certain it IS the right next step.

You simply want to feel better.

You want to heal some kind of trauma, and have tried so many things that have helped, but none of them have been enough. 

You just want more…more out of life, more support, more juice.

It is ok to want more. 

We are meant to follow that golden thread of seeking and finding.

You want to gain access to the inner wisdom, unconditional love and support while processing the grief, anxiety, confusion and trauma.

I understand the processing of grief and trauma. 

I understand the desire to know more and honor the synchronicity that has brought you here, now.

Ways to work together!

Option 1: Book A 55 minute Energy Session for yourself.

Sessions are by Zoom unless you’ve pre-arranged to meet in person. For in person sessions, please email Tamara.

Option 2: Book A 25 minute Energy Session for your animal companion.

Sessions are by Zoom unless you’ve pre-arranged to meet in person. For in person sessions, please email Tamara.

Option 3: Radiant Life Three Month Program

Which option should I choose?

Option 1: Energy Work

Energy is EVERYTHING and when you set aside time to tune into your energy we can learn so much.

As a Reiki Master, I utilize symbols.

As my own personal healer, I utilize skills that I’ve learned to bring peace, energy, messages from passed loved ones and guides to plug you into what your soul is craving.

Be ready with an intention and a desire to connect with your higher-self.

Book A 60 minute Energy Session.


What is Soul Contact Hypnosis & Energy Work?

I learned Soul Contact Hypnosis from my mentor, Peter Woodbury and I combine it with Reiki and intuitive energy healing.

What exactly IS it?

I’d rather show you, then tell you, what I do!

It’s so much easier that way.

Check out these videos below:


Want the ultimate in support during your healing Process?

Option 3: Radiant Life Program is for you!

Healing is like a coil. 

We revolve around the issues during our healing journey. 

You want to stop having anxiety attacks. Perhaps you make a big change that positively impacts your life, but the anxiety rears it’s head up again. 

You want to know your right next step in life, and, to be certain it IS the right next step. You take the next step and then feel disorientated, frustrated or overwhelmed. 

You want to heal some kind of trauma and have had a huge breakthrough, but now you’re triggered again by something someone said or did.

It may feel like you’re “here” at the problem again and as if all that effort is wasted.

However, once you start your healing journey you don’t remain stuck. 

You are traveling up the coil with a different perspective of the problem.

You are on your healing journey! 

Healing from your anxiety and trauma is essentially remembering your soul’s purpose over and over again.

This Three-Month Radiant Life Program shows you how to remember your soul’s purpose by placing YOU in direct contact with it. We do this with Soul Contact Hypnosis and then reinforce these wisdoms with pre-sleep recordings, text support and integrative sessions. 

What will you get?

Support. Support. Support!

What you will receive every month:

2, 60-minute sessions

1, 90-minute Soul Contact Hypnosis & Reiki session

1, 20-minute pre-sleep personalized recording

Unlimited Text, video and audio support within Telegram (*responses within 48 hours M-F 9am-5pm)

Month 1:

Identify what you want to work on, heal and be supported on. Let’s set your intentions for our work together. Let’s establish goals. 

60- minute session is a chance for me to listen to you. It is an opportunity for you to feel heard. Let’s identify what you are being called to heal and what support will look like for you.

90- minute session we explore all that is there for you in a Soul-Contact Hypnosis session. There’s so much here for you! Dive into the support and clarity from your guides, past life experiences and more!

20- minute pre-sleep recording will be created for you! It will be specific to your goals based off the 60 minute session and the wisdom gained from the 90 minute session. This can be replayed on loop and often as needed and is customized support at your fingertips. It will reinforce your personal healing journey!

2nd 60- minute session is guidance around and integration of all that information! Information gained in the first “get to know you” session, your first Soul Contact session, and your pre-sleep recording. Information gained not just from the sessions but from the days between. Those “Ahhhh-Ha!” moments. Those “Ah, F@$!z” moments.

Speaking of those moments; text, video and audio support is included because sometimes you’ll have quick questions or concerns. Feel immediately heard! Receive a quick response from me that reminds you of your commitment to yourself and your healing process! Message me your celebrations as well! Did you apply your knowledge gained from your hypnosis in a way that blows your mind? Message me! The universe is so cool and I love celebrating how you show up and how the universe shows you love and guides you!

Month 2:

Let’s integrate all the sessions and pre-sleep and see what else is coming up or being triggered.

Yeah, remember that coil? You’re riding it now but you aren’t alone.

Here is what support the second month looks like.

60 min session: What else is coming up for you in your healing journey? Now you've had the tools for a month. Let’s dive deeper. You’re establishing a relationship with your healing process. I’m honored to witness it and to remind you of your courage and strength.

90- minute session Soul-Contact Hypnosis. There’s a line in my Soul Contact Sessions that talks about coming back to that beautiful space of healing, wisdom and remembrance. There’s so much here for you! The more often you come back, the easier it will be. The more often you come back, more will be revealed. Your invitation to come back has arrived! Dive into the support and clarity shown to your from your guides, past life experiences and more!

20- minute pre-sleep recording will be created for you. You read that right. A second recording, specific to your goals based off all our sessions and texts! This can be replayed on loop and often as needed and is customized support at your fingertips. Now you have two pre-sleep recordings to support you.

60- minute session is support around integrating all the information, healing not just from the sessions but also from the days between.

Text, video and audio support!

Month 3:

Celebrate how far you’ve come! Celebration matters! Healing is a journey and it’s important to take inventory of your process. It makes us feel proud of how far we’ve come and gives us courage and faith in the process to go deeper. 

Here is what support the third month looks like.

60 min session: You've had the tools for two months. How are you feeling? How is your relationship with your healing process going? What has surprised you about your journey?

90- minute session Soul-Contact Hypnosis. There’s a line in my Soul Contact Sessions that talks about there being plenty of time. What else is there for you to know from this divine space? What else are you meant to know, heal or share with the world? Dive into the support and clarity shown to you from your guides, past life experiences and more!

20- minute pre-sleep recording, specific to your goals based off all our sessions and texts! This can be replayed on loop and often as needed and is customized support at your fingertips. Now you have three pre-sleep recordings to support you!

60- minute session is support around integrating all the information, healing not just from the sessions but also from the days between. As we wrap up our time together I want to celebrate you! Let’s take inventory of your journey.

Text, video and audio support until the last day of the month! Text me sticky spots, frustrations, celebrations, difficult moments…A.K.A: your healing journey!


Book a 15 minute clarity call to see if this option is a good fit.

Radiant Life Three Month Program