What if I f*@k it up?

Healers are not omitted from their own healing and growth. 

If you’re looking for a healer and you find one who says they’re 100% healed and have figured everything out then BUYER BEWARE! Run the other direction.

Moments of clarity can come at the most unexpected times and places.

Today it found me at my local grocery store. The Kodak kiosk to be exact. 

I was attempting to print off July’s yoga schedule and I was quietly talking to the machine and my phone. Telling them to nicely connect and sending them Reiki. (Heck yes, you can do Reiki on electronics too!)

When we moved to our small town 9 years ago I distinctly remember warning my husband not to talk to himself at the grocery store. “You can do that in Chicago and nobody will care…you do that in a small town and by sundown everybody will know”.

Yet, here I was. Not heeding my own advice.

An employee stopped and pointed out that I was talking to myself.

“Yes.” was my only response.

As they walked away with perhaps the new gossip that the yoga teacher and healer in town was indeed possibly crazy; I had the thought.

What if I f*@k it up?

The wonderful thing about personal growth is I am now at the point that 75% of the time I catch my thoughts and I can observe them instead of reacting to them.

This was one of those times and it was happening at the grocery store.

F*@k WHAT up?

My reputation? 

My business? 

The Event this evening? 


My kids?


Now I was sort of giggling with a far off stare (The Herskovic Stare off as our family refers to it as) in the GROCERY STORE!

Then I heard, You can’t do this wrong.

Keep showing up.

How are you showing up for yourself? Does it sometimes feel scary? Does it feel overwhelming?

Do you have enough support?

Are you ready to be supported?


What if I’m not enough